Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: G:\Dan\index_files\mcgee.jpgDan McGee


Ph.D. 1978, The Johns Hopkins University

Office: 216 OSB



Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: G:\Dan\index_files\goldbar.gif

BA and MA (Mathematics) University of California at Berkeley

MHS (Biostatistics) The Johns Hopkins University

Fellow -- American Statistical Association

Fellow – Council on Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiolgy of the American Heart Association

Elected Member -- International Statistical Institute


Research Interests:

All aspects of the design, implementation, management, and analysis of studies of disease occurrence in human populations with emphasis on prognostic modeling, the prediction of future disease based on present characteristics.


Curriculum Vitae




Funded Research

Professional Activities

Graduate Education Activity

Honors and Awards

Service Activities

Teaching Experience

Journal Articles

Book Chapters and Proceedings

Computer Experience